Henri Deparade

Henri Deparade was born in 1951 in Halle/Saale Germany. Lives and works in Dresden.

Deparade studied painting and graphic arts at the University of Art and Design “Burg Giebichenstein” in Halle where he graduated in 1977. During the late 1970s/early 80s whilst working in his own studio in Halle, Deparade worked on his postgraduate studies as well as taught at the University of Art and Design in Halle. From 1983-85, he was the master student of Professor Willi Sitte. From 1992 to present, he is a professor for painting, drawing and basic of elementary visual arrangement at the University of Applied Sciences HTW Dresden.

Deparade’s paintings create layers of stories and movement. He achieves this by repeating the same figures in different expressions or poses in the one canvas. The result is figures that seem to float; the foreground and the background seem to merge. A group of people interacting may require the viewer to pause and take a deeper look to understand what is happening; the figures are unique beings but are intertwined in the lives of the others. The resulting works can be sensual, sometimes tense and other times tranquil.

During his career, Deparade has participated in approximately 100 exhibitions, has had over 90 solo show and has participated in numerous international art fairs. His works are held in many private and public collections in several countries in Europe as well as the United States.

Website henri.deparade-art.de